February 16, 2025


Frequently asked Questions

Below is a sampling of questions that we are commonly asked. Click on the question to find the answer.

  1. Is it cheaper to use a billing service?
  2. Should I submit my claims electronically?
  3. What are the advantages of using a billing service?
  4. What are the advantages of keeping the billing “in-house”?
  5. With all of the new work comp laws, should I be wary about accepting work comp patients?
  6. Does E-Billing submit reports and liens?
  7. Does E-Billing obtain authorization when needed?
  8. How do I build my practice?

1. Is it cheaper to use a billing service?
It depends on the size of your practice. If you run a small practice of 1-4 full-time doctors, then yes, most of the time it will be less expensive to hire a service. If you run a group practice with more than 4 full-time doctors then it may be less expensive to keep it “in-house”.
However, there are many other related costs to be considered such as workers comp insurance, liability insurance, hiring, training, postage and office supplies. All of these will decrease if you outsource your billing. This amount is usually between $3,000 and $20,000 per year, depending on the size of your practice. Additionally, contracted services are tax deductible. And if you have one less employee in your office, you may be able to downsize your office or add a treatment room.
If you would like an analysis performed to see if you could save money, please feel free to contact us.

2. Should I submit my claims electronically?
Within a few years all insurance carriers will require claims submitted electronically. Many already do. There are many good reasons to implement electronic claim filing in your office today:

  • Reimbursement is 2-3 weeks faster.
  • Delivery of electronic claims is 99.9% reliable.
  • Submitting electronic claims requires less man-hours and no postage: there is no folding, stuffing and licking. If your office staff has trouble keeping ahead of the paperwork, electronic filing can help.

3. What are the advantages of using a billing service?
There are many advantages to using a billing service:

  • Expertise. Billing service employees are often better trained than those in doctors’ offices. Plus, billing service employees can turn to their managers if they have a problem with a particular case.
  • Permanent Solution. Once a quality billing service is retained, the doctor does not need to worry about hiring and training for that position, ever again.
  • Decreased Liability. Fewer employees equal less liability.
  • Tax Savings. Contracted services are tax deductible.

4. What are the advantages of keeping the billing “in-house”?
In the past, the primary advantage of keeping billing “in-house” was to keep all of the receivables data and patient balances on the doctor’s computer, rather than on the billing service’s computer. E-Billing Solutions has solved this issue with Virtual Biller. With Virtual Biller, the experts at E-Billing can do the billing from their office, on the doctor’s computer.
The only advantage that does still exist for keeping billing “in-house” is that doctor and biller can communicate more easily if they are in the same building.

5. With all of the new work comp laws, should I be wary about accepting work comp patients?
A doctor can feel comfortable accepting new work comp patients if the patient was referred from another doctor currently being reimbursed for services and the Utilization Review requirements are followed.
If that is not the case, then the following need to be true:

  1. The doctor must be confident that the injury is work-related.
  2. The doctor must follow the reporting requirements.
  3. The doctor must be willing to wait until the case is settled before being reimbursed.

6. Does E-Billing submit reports and liens?
Yes, submission of supporting documents is typically included with any of our services.

7. Does E-Billing obtain authorization when needed?
Yes. When patient benefits are verified, E-Billing will obtain authorization if it is required.

8. How do I build my practice?
This is a question we are often asked and, unfortunately, cannot be answered succinctly. The answer depends on what field of medicine is practiced; what types of resources are available in terms of money, time, staff, etc.; and what the personal goals are of the physician. Some basic ways to increase revenues are:

  • When a patient checks out, attempt to schedule their next appointment right then.
  • Make sure you are billing for all of the services you perform and that your pricing is at the market rate.
  • Encourage referrals from current patients.

Feel free to contact us for more information.