February 16, 2025


E-Billing Solutions is an equal opportunity employer. E-Billing Solutions has a “virtual” office, meaning each of our employees work from his/her home, determining their own hours. Employees must undergo a rigorous background check. Working knowledge of HIPAA is a prerequisite for employment.

E-Billing Solutions is always interested in adding qualified individuals for data entry, coding and receivables. Complete our online application below if you wish to be considered for any of these positions.

    Your Name (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    Home Phone # (required)

    Cell Phone # (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you eligible to work in the U.S.? (required)


    Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (required)


    Years of experience in medical billing: (required)

    In what areas do you have expertise? (required)

    Data entryReceivables Follow-upCodingSalesOwnership/Management

    Please list fields of medicine in which you have billing experience:(required)

    Please list the billing software you know:(required)

    Please list any languages you speak besides English: (required)

    How many hours per week are you looking to work?(required)

    How did you hear about us?(required)